How to Use ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing in 2023

How to Use ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing in 2023
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How to use clickfunnels for affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and profitable ways to make money online. It allows you to promote other people’s products and earn commissions for every sale you generate. However, affiliate marketing is not as easy as it sounds.

You need to have a solid strategy, a reliable traffic source, and a high-converting funnel to succeed.

One of the best tools that can help you with affiliate marketing is ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels is an online sales and marketing software that helps businesses create funnels to capture, nurture, and convert leads into customers.

With ClickFunnels, you can build landing pages, opt-in forms, sales pages, order forms, upsells, downsells, thank you pages, and more in minutes.

Your Online Store

If you sell ebooks, training courses, or a line of organically made soaps, you’ll want a smooth and speedy checkout process.With Cart Funnels, you can…

Upload products, images, videos, and descriptions with a simple click of a button!​Build a high-converting checkout page in minutes without coding or programming​Maximize your order value with our customizable 1-click upsells, downsells, and order bumps!

Your Membership Site

Listen, recurring revenue is the secret to a thriving online business. The best way to make that happen is with a membership site.With Membership Sites, You can.Grow a thriving subscription-based business for a stream of monthly revenue without worrying about getting new clients

Upload training videos and content in minutes without spending money on outside video software​Build and strengthen your tribe by unlocking and releasing new content all within the membership area

Your CRM

Getting customers to your store is great. But keeping your customers is critical if you want real business growth.With ClickFunnels CRM, you can…

​Strengthen brand relationship and track your customers’ growth in real-time​Trigger automated funnels based on customers’ behavior ​Get a detailed insight on what your customers actually want (…which helps you create more products!

Email marketing

to follow-up with your customers is massive when it comes to scaling your online business to the moon.With ClickFunnels Email Marketing, you can…

  • ​Easily create and send email broadcasts, promotions, or new offers to your audience​Build-out and split-test email automations based on customers’ behavior​Experience premium email deliverability support so your emails land in your customers’ inbox

What Is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is an online sales and marketing software that helps businesses create funnels to capture, nurture, and convert leads into customers

A funnel is a series of steps that guides your visitors from the first point of contact to the final purchase. A typical funnel consists of four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action.

Clickfunnels for affiliate marketing allows you to create any type of funnel you want, depending on your goals and the products you are promoting. You can choose from hundreds of pre-made templates or customize your own using the drag-and-drop editor.

You can also integrate ClickFunnels with various third-party tools such as email marketing services, payment processors, webinars, membership sites, and more.

ClickFunnels has two main plans: the Startup plan and the Platinum plan. The Startup plan costs $97 per month and allows you to create up to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 visitors per month.

The Platinum plan costs $297 per month and allows you to create unlimited funnels, pages, and visitors per month. It also gives you access to additional features such as Follow-Up Funnels (email marketing), Backpack (affiliate management), and Funnel Flix (training courses).

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How Does clickfunnels for affiliate marketing Work?

ClickFunnels works by providing you with everything you need to create and launch your own funnels in minutes. Here are the basic steps to use ClickFunnels for affiliate marketing:

Choose a profitable affiliate niche

The key to making serious money with affiliate products is to choose a profitable affiliate marketing niche first.

A niche is a specific segment of the market that has a common problem or need that you can solve with your product. For example, some popular niches are health and fitness, personal development, dating and relationships, make money online, etc.

To choose a profitable niche, you need to consider three factors: passion, demand, and competition. You want to choose a niche that you are passionate about or interested in because it will make your work more enjoyable and authentic.

You also want to choose a niche that has high demand or potential customers who are willing to pay for your solution. Finally, you want to choose a niche that has low competition or fewer competitors who are offering similar products.

You can use various tools such as Google Trends, Amazon Best Sellers, ClickBank, etc., to research your niche and find out what products are popular and profitable.

Join the best affiliate programs Once you have chosen your niche, the next step is to join the best affiliate programs that offer products related to your niche.

An affiliate program is a platform that connects product owners with affiliates who promote their products in exchange for commissions.

There are many affiliate programs available online, but not all of them are worth joining. You want to join an affiliate program that pays well (at least 30% commission), has high-quality products (with good reviews and testimonials), has a good reputation (with reliable support and payment), has a long cookie duration (at least 30 days), and has a low refund rate (less than 10%).

Some of the best affiliate programs that meet these criteria are:

Click funnel affiliate: Click funnels affiliate is one of the most lucrative affiliate programs in the market because it pays 30% recurring commission on all active accounts that sign up from your affiliate link.

You can also earn up to $40% commission on annual subscriptions and other products such as books, courses, events, etc. Plus, if you get 100 active members or more per month, you can qualify for your dream car bonus.

Amazon Associates: Amazon associates This is one of the most popular affiliate programs because it offers millions of products across various categories and niches. You can earn up to 10% commission on every sale you generate from your affiliate link. However, the cookie duration is only 24 hours, which means you need to drive a lot of traffic to make consistent sales.

ClickBank: Click bank This is one of the largest affiliate networks that specializes in digital products such as ebooks, courses, software, etc. You can earn up to 75% commission on every sale you generate from your affiliate link. The cookie duration is 60 days, which gives you more time to convert your leads into buyers. However, the refund rate is higher than other programs, which means you need to promote high-quality products with low refund rates.

Build an affiliate bridge funnel: Once you have joined the best affiliate programs, the next step is to build an affiliate bridge funnel using ClickFunnels. An affiliate bridge funnel is a type of funnel that bridges the gap between your traffic source and your affiliate offer. It consists of two main pages: a landing page and a bridge page.

A landing page is the first page that your visitors see when they click on your ad or link.

The purpose of a landing page is to capture your visitors’ email addresses in exchange for a free gift or a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something valuable that you offer to your visitors for free, such as a report, a cheat sheet, a checklist, a video, etc., that is related to your niche and your offer.

A bridge page is the second page that your visitors see after they opt-in on your landing page.

The purpose of a bridge page is to pre-sell your visitors on your affiliate offer and persuade them to click on your affiliate link. A bridge page usually contains a video or a text that explains the benefits of your offer, provides social proof or testimonials, and creates urgency or scarcity.

To build an affiliate bridge funnel using ClickFunnels,

Clickfunnels for affiliate marketing you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your ClickFunnels account and click on the “Build Funnel” button.
  • Choose “Collect Emails” as your goal and give your funnel a name.
  • Choose a template for your landing page or create your own using the editor.
  • Edit your landing page by adding a catchy headline, a compelling subheadline, a clear call-to-action, an opt-in form, and an image or a video of your lead magnet.
  • Click on the “Add New Step” button and name it “Bridge Page”.
  • Choose a template for your bridge page or create your own using the editor.
  • Edit your bridge page by adding a captivating headline, an engaging video or text, a strong call-to-action, and your affiliate link.
  • Save and publish your funnel.

Promote your affiliate bridge funnel The final step is to promote your affiliate bridge funnel and drive traffic to it. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, especially for affiliate marketing. Without traffic, you won’t be able to generate leads and sales.

There are many ways to promote your funnel and drive traffic to it, but some of the most effective ones clickfunnels for affiliate marketing

  • Facebook Ads: This is one of the most popular and powerful ways to drive targeted traffic to your funnel. You can create ads that target people based on their interests, demographics, behaviors, locations, etc., and show them on Facebook’s network of platforms such as Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network, etc. You can also use Facebook’s pixel to track and optimize your conversions.
  • YouTube Ads: This is another great way to drive traffic to your funnel using video ads. You can create ads that show up before, during, or after other videos on YouTube or Google’s network of sites and apps. You can also use YouTube’s analytics to measure and improve your performance.
  • Google Ads: This is one of the oldest and most reliable ways to drive traffic to your funnel using search ads. You can create ads that show up on Google’s search results pages when people search for keywords related to your niche and offer. You can also use Google’s keyword planner to find and bid on relevant keywords.
  • Blogging: This is one of the most organic and long-term ways to drive traffic to your funnel using content marketing. You can create blog posts that provide valuable information, tips, reviews, comparisons, etc., related to your niche and offer. You can also use SEO (search engine optimization) techniques to rank higher on Google’s search results pages and attract more visitors.
  • Email Marketing: This is one of the most personal and profitable ways to drive traffic to your funnel using email marketing. You can use email marketing services such as AWeber, GetResponse, Mailchimp, etc., to build an email list of subscribers who have opted-in on your landing page. You can then send them regular emails that provide value, build trust, and promote your offer.

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